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Château de Thénières

The Château de Thénières, perched at over 900 meters above sea level, offers an exceptional 360° panorama of the Monts du Cantal, the Aubrac, and the Lot Valley. Although its ruins are modest, they exude a mystical atmosphere that sparks the imagination. The remnants of the circular keep testify to the former power of this medieval fortress, which was once the seat of one of the largest baronies in Rouergue.

For hiking enthusiasts, a walk of about two hours leads to the castle, with route maps available at the reception of Camping La Romiguière. The GPS coordinates are 44.7555991 / 2.7408667. Children will enjoy exploring the old cellars and rooms, igniting the imagination of young knights and princesses. The site is also perfect for admiring the sunset from the keep's terrace.

Although directional signs are scarce, the quest to find the castle adds to the charm of the adventure. Visitors are encouraged to immerse themselves in the history and natural beauty surrounding the site, making the Château de Thénières a must-visit destination for heritage and breathtaking landscapes enthusiasts.

Let yourself daydream amidst these stone trees; let your gaze wander far, very far...

Our advice: visit the castle to watch the sunset from the keep's terrace...



In 2025, your campsite will be open from 8th may to 13th september

Camping La Romiguière


Camping in Aveyron

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