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Thenieres Castle

A beautiful ruin at more than 900 meters altitude which offers a superb 360 ° panorama over the Cantal mountains, the Aubrac, the Lot valley...

That's a pretty jewelery not easy to find ... the panels are tiny or missing ... so here are the GPS coordinates : 44.7555991 / 2.7408667

From the castle, there are some beautiful stones to explore to discover the old cellars, the rooms ... young knights and young princesses will love !

Let yourself go to the reverie among these stone trees, let your eyes flee far away, very far...

Our advice: go to the Castle to wait for the sunset from the dungeon's terrace...


victory et bungalows

In 2024, your campsite will be open from 8th may to 14th september

Camping La Romiguière


Camping in Aveyron


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