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Fishing, Swimming

Can we swim in the lake?

Is it allowed to swim in the lake of Maury in Aveyron?

The lake is public and swimming is therefore possible by respecting the conditions of the municipal decree displayed at the entrance to the beach. A lifeguard can be organized during the summer by the municipality, depending on the availability of a qualified lifeguard.

Can we fish in the lake?

Is it possible to fish in the lake of Maury in Aveyron?

Yes, fishing is allowed in the lake, this second class lake is well known, and of course you must be in possession of the local fishing license for the current year and check for temporary reserve areas.

Are there areas where fishing is prohibited?

Are there any reserves, areas or periods where fishing is prohibited?

Yes and no, you can fish everywhere except at the pontoon to prevent hooks from catching on boats or moorings, and there may be zones or periods where temporary reserves are in place. Better to find out from the fishing federation.

Can dogs bathe in the lake ?

I have a Golden Retriever dog that loves water? Can he bathe in the lake ?

No, since we no longer accept dogs since May 21, 2023 !

Can I moore my boat at the pontoon at the end of September ?

I would like to come at the end of September with my boat and put it on the dock. Is it possible ?

Yes and no! Generally speaking, the lake drops rapidly from the beginning of September. We cannot therefore guarantee that the pontoon will always be on the water !

Do I need a license to fish in Lake Maury in Aveyron ?

I would like to fish in the Maury lake in Aveyron. Do you need a license ?

You need a fishing license to fish. There are cards for the day, the week or the year. You can find the fishing card in tourist offices or on the internet. !


In 2025, your campsite will be open from 8th may to 13th september

Camping La Romiguière


Camping in Aveyron

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