Disons-le clairement, le Camping La Romiguière n'est pas le lieu idéal pour passer des vacances avec vos ados.
Mais, évidemment, c'est possible et tout dépend de vous pour que vous passiez un excellent séjour !
Nous sommes certainement le seul camping de France qui vous explique pourquoi il ne faut pas venir chez nous. Mais nous préférons qu'il n'y ait pas d'ambiguïté ni de mauvaise surprise. C'est mieux pour vous, pour nous et pour les autres vacanciers.
On le sait bien, parce qu'on est passé par là, les ados, ce n'est pas facile. Ils ronchonnent, ils ne veulent rien faire, ils passent heures sur les réseaux sociaux, ... mais c'est comme ça, c'est normal et c'est à nous, adultes, de nous adapter à cette période.
Au Camping La Romiguière, on est dans un lieu très isolé, préservé de la foule, très propice au farniente et à la contemplation... et en plus, les réseaux télécom sont plutôt lents. Il n'y a pas de club ados, pas de soirée mousse, pas de Fiesta Boum Boum tous les soirs...
C'est parfait quand on veut déconnecter, mais pour un ados, on est proche de l'enfer.
Alors, ils "sanent" comme on dit en Aubrac (ils "glandent") et ils d'ennuient. Et s'ils trouvent d'autres ados dans la même situation, les ennuis commencent...
Voici un florilège de situations vécues au camping ces années passées :
- On démonte les rampes et escaliers de la piscine pour jouer avec (car bien sûr, on est venu à la piscine sans adulte ce qui est normalement interdit)
- On traine jusqu'à pas d'heure dans les sanitaires car c'est le seul endroit qui reste éclairé toute la nuit. Bien sùr, on "joue" avec les douches et autres lavabos (imaginez l'état du sanitaire le lendemain matin...)
- On hurle et on "fait la bombe" à la piscine sans se soucier de ceux qui veulent seulement lire au bord de l'eau
- On déménage les transats de la terrasse pour en faire un terrain de foot
- On s'installe sur le terrain de boules ou la terrasse du bar avec une petite enceinte bluetooth... et tout le monde profite la playlist jusque tard dans la nuit.
- On utilise le billard comme haltères... en laissant retomber bruyamment
- et j'en passe...
Rien de bien grave en fait, c'est vrai. Mais ce n'est pas le bon endroit pour ça.
Tout dépend donc de vous, parents d'ados. Il y a énormément de choses à faire autour du camping avec vos ados. Et si vous les occupez, alors tout se passe bien.
Voici quelques idées :
- La via-ferrata du Bois de Baltuergues dans les gorges de la Truyères
- Trottinette de descente, fun et ludique
- Aqualoa : le superbe parc aquatique à 3 minutes du camping
- Géocaching : la chasse au trésor avec un smartphone !
- Tir à l'arc
- Descente du lot en canoe
- Trampoline
- Animations médiévales au Chateau de Calmont
En conclusion :
Si vous voulez passer des vacances en famille en prévoyant de sortir du camping avec vos ados pour profiter des nombreuses activités proposées dans les villages alentour, alors vous êtes les bienvenus.
Si vous espérez qu'ils s'occuperont seuls avec d'autres ados, s'il vous plait, choisissez un autre camping avec un club ados et des animateurs.
Mais comment êtes-vous arrivés ici !
C'est certainement une erreur de notre part. Promis, on s'en occupe !
Retournez à la page d'accueil ou contactez-nous
But how did you get here!
It is certainly a mistake on our part. We promise, we'll take care of it!
Go back to the homepage or contact us
How to find a cheap campsite ?
Beware of false promotions from Tours Operators which advertise cheap vacations, cheap mobile homes or cheap campsites with reductions of 50%, 70% or 80%.
You will always have the best price by booking without intermediaries directly with the campsite. This is how you will really find a cheap campsite.
With us, the prices are clear, all-inclusive and without surprises.
Examples of cheap camping ?
- Camping pitches from €18 per night
- Rentals from €26 per night
This is really cheap camping.
And even in high season! Cheap holidays in a quality campsite, by the water, with all the necessary equipment. Very comfortable camping pitches with water, electricity, wifi, feet in the water, in the middle of summer, it's 39 euros. Compare prices and if you find better and cheaper for the same services, call us!
A cheap campsite, but with everything you need for a good holiday!
At La Romiguière campsite, you will find all the necessary equipment. A cheap campsite, but with everything you need! A swimming pool (a paddling pool for the little ones), a bar, a snack bar, evening entertainment, a beach, in camping pitches equipped with water and electricity, wifi (free), play areas for children, a bowling green, a pontoon for your boat ...
Are there things to do at a cheap campsite?
La Romiguière campsite is an inexpensive campsite in the heart of Aubrac in Aveyron. You will spend an authentic and inexpensive holiday in a rich and unspoiled nature.
Visit Laguiole and its knives, the Lot valley with its medieval villages. Live real moments with free entertainment for the whole family. Aubrac is full of treasures to discover.
A little further on, discover the majestic Millau Viaduct and the Tarn gorges. In the south of Aveyron, we will suggest an itinerary to show you around the most beautiful sites such as Roquefort, Peyre, the Viaduct, Saint-Enimie ... Here are still some cheap holiday ideas; just watch and admire! It's free.
Towards Rodez, discover the cathedral, the Soulage Museum and a little further north, the spectacular Trou de Bozouls or the confidential village of Rodelle.
North of Aveyron, near Cantal and Lozère, hike on the Aubrac plateau, explore the Truyère valley and discover the Garabit viaduct, the Laussac peninsula, the castle of Alleuze.
Ask us ! We know all these little corners to discover.
Why choose a cheap campsite?
By booking your holiday in a cheap campsite, you keep your money for the rest, for outings, restaurants, souvenirs!
Why put all your budget into renting a brand new mobile home? Why rent in a large campsite where you will barely use half of the services offered?
Be smart! Rent an inexpensive mobile home or an inexpensive bungalow and take the opportunity to please yourself and your children.
Plus qu'un Stage, une véritable aventure !
Le Camping La Romiguière participe à votre formation en Tourisme, en Langues Etrangères, Commerce/Marketing, Psychologie ou en Hôtellerie-Restauration en vous proposant un stage destiné à vous donner une expérience dans une entreprise touristique. Les stages font tous l'objet d'une convention. Pour tous les stages, vous serez nourris et logés au camping.
Vous nous prêtez quelques semaines de votre temps, nous vous offrons une expérience riche et variée, dans une ambiance très conviviale (lisez jusqu'à la fin...)
Le Camping La Romiguière c'est :
- Hotellerie : notre camping loue des mobilhomes, des bungalows et des emplacements de camping. Vous participez à l'accueil des clients et à la prise en compte de leurs demandes (infos tourisme, problèmes techniques, animations, activités...)
- Activités : notre camping propose diverses activités pendant la saison et il y a beaucoup à faire autour du camping... Vous devrez prendre en compte les demandes de renseignements des clients, leur vendre des prestations, les orienter vers les activités qu'ils recherchent.
- Bar/Restaurant : notre restaurant propose des plats régionaux et traditionnels, ainsi que des formules pizzas ou snack. Notre salle peut accueillir environ 60 couverts simultanément.
Le Camping La Romiguière, c'est aussi une "web company" ! Nous faisons 95% de nos actions marketing sur internet et environ 85% de notre CA est réalisé en ligne.
Vos Missions :
Participez à toutes les activités d'un camping 3 étoiles situé près de Laguiole (Nord Aveyron). Vous pourrez réellement acquérir ou approfondir votre expérience dans tous les métiers d'une entreprise de tourisme (vente, accueil, hôtellerie). Vous serez en contact permanent avec une clientèle française et étrangère. Pendant votre stage, vous pourrez intervenir sur toutes le activités du camping. Vous aurez ainsi l'occasion d'en apprendre plus sur l'ensemble des métiers possibles, sur le fonctionnement d'une entreprise, de pratiquer des langues étrangères et pourquoi pas de vous spécialiser dans le domaine qui vous plait !
- Accueil / Réception / Vente (accueil des clients, vente de produits ou de services, arrivées/départs,...)
- Bar / Restaurant (mise en place, prise commande, service en salle, encaissement, ...)
- Animations (informations touristiques, préparation et mise en place, participation avec les clients)
- Marketing (social marketing, préparation d'actions commerciales, ...)
En tache de fond, vous pourrez prendre en charge une problématique particulière comme par exemple (liste non exhaustive) :
- Comment bénéficier de l'apport des OTA sans en être victime
- Gérer les avis consommateurs (les bons, les mauvais... et les faux...)
- Communiquer et vendre des vacances sur internet
- Elaborer une politique de social media marketing
- Etablir les profils type des clients (notion de persona)
- Elaborer un plan de revenue Management ou de yield Management
Votre profil :
De formation Tourisme, Langues étrangères, Commerce/Marketing, Psychologie ou bien Hotellerie/Restauration. Vous êtes dynamique et rigoureux, et vous aimez l'autonomie. Vous aimez le travail en équipe et vous appréciez le contact avec les clients.
Le camping étant isolé (10 min en voiture du plus proche village), vous appréciez les endroits sauvages et très "nature".
Date et Durée :
En saison (de mi-juin à fin aout) Environ 2 mois selon vos disponibilités.
A lire avant de postuler : si votre école ou université vous impose des dates de stages hors saison estivale, il est malheureusement inutile de postuler. L'ensemble des services du camping ne fonctionnent qu'en été. En basse saison, il n'y a donc pas assez d'activité pour qu'un stage présente un intérêt pour vous.
Plus qu'un stage, une véritable aventure :
Ok, le stage c'est bien, c'est utile pour votre formation, mais il y a plus ! Oubliez tout ce qu'on vous a dit et plongez dans la vraie vie ! C'est une vraie expérience humaine que nous vous proposons, une véritable aventure ! Pendant 2 mois, vous travaillez et vous vivez au Camping, au milieu de rien. Vous êtes comme sur une île. Une petite équipe soudée, solidaire mais isolée ! Alors, autant que ce soit fun ! Vous rencontrerez des personnages surprenants et attachants, vous vivrez des moments forts en émotion, Il y aura des doutes, des hauts et des bas bien sùr. Mais ce sera enrichissant, c'est sùr ! Vous découvrirez peut-être des activités insolites. Que diriez-vous de traverser le lac de nuit ? Le jetski ou le ski nautique, ça vous dit ? une via ferrata dans un coin sauvage ? des nuits à la belle étoile près d'un feu de camp ? Observer les brochets, sous l'eau, la nuit ? Apprendre les gestes qui sauvent ? Découvrir l'apiculture ? Avez-vous une âme de dresseur de serpents ?... Alors ? prêt pour l'aventure ? contactez nous vite !
Comment postuler ?
Un CV, bien sùr, c'est indispensable. Mais pour expliquer pourquoi vous voulez faire un stage chez nous, oubliez la belle lettre de motivation bien formelle et faites preuve d'imagination "Miladiou !" (expression aveyronnaise...). Alors, soyez malins. Vous nous trouverez facilement sur FB, Insta, Whatsapp, Snapchat, ... alors, go, go, go, l'aventure n'attend pas !
Exemple de problématiques :
Voici quelques exemples de problématiques qu'il est possible de traiter dans le cadre de votre stage au Camping La Romiguière. Bien entendu, il en existe beaucoup d'autres. Demandez nous et nous verrons ensemble si nous pouvons répondre à vos attentes.
En Tourisme :
- Comment bénéficier de l'apport des OTA sans en être victime
- Accueil des vacanciers en situation de handicap
- Gérer les avis consommateurs (les bons, les mauvais... et les faux...)
En langues étrangères :
- Accueil de touristes étrangers
- Communiquer avec des très jeunes vacanciers étrangers
- Mettre en place une gestion de la satisfaction client multilingue
- Les particularités linguistiques des sites commerciaux multilingues
En marketing :
- Communiquer et vendre des vacances sur internet
- Comment être visible à coté des grands groupes touristiques
- Elaborer une grille de veille concurentielle
- Elaborer une politique de social media marketing
- Participer au community management
En Hotellerie-Restauration :
- Les attentes des clients en locatif
- Fluidifier l'accueil en période de forte affluence
- Cibler les attentes des vacanciers en matière de snacking
En psychologie :
- Etablir les profils type des clients (notion de persona)
- Elaboration et mise en oeuvre de Nudges
- Elaborer un schéma de gestion des relations avec les clients "difficiles"
- Déterminer une méthode analytique d'évaluation des ressentis émotionnels d'un texte (web ou brochure)
Need a Nature Break in Aveyron ?
Camping La Romiguière
"an Amazing Elsewhere"
Come and discover an ★amazing★ place in an authentic natural setting in the heart
of the Regional Natural Park of Aubrac in South France.
★★★ Here's why you will like Camping La Romiguière in Aveyron ★★★
Camping holidays! Wating for these good moments of true conviviality in the middle of nature, far from the crowd! The wild spaces of Aubrac, freedom...
But health and safety remains the priority. We therefore adapt our organization so that your next vacation remains a wonderful moment.
Enjoying your vacation is your priority!
Implement the necessary measures so that your experience with us remains extraordinary, that's our job.
We are working on it every day. Lots of small details, small changes, a lot of innovations that you might not even see.
Just follow the organizational rules and guidelines, and we'll do the rest.
The privileged and secure location of Camping La Romiguière
In the heart of the Aubrac Regional Park, where the population density is around 15 inhabitants / km2, our very isolated location and far from the crowd is certainly a guarantee of relative security (even if the risk 0 does not exist). The first village with shops is about 10 minutes far by car. The nearest big city is 1 hour away...
We also adapt our schedule so that you are spread across the entire campsite to avoid overcrowding. Our facilities do not allow large crowd gatherings anyway. At the highest season you will have about 150m2 around you, very far from the recommended 4m2!
For your next vacation away from the crowds, choose the security of an isolated campsite in the middle of wild outdoors.
Sanitary PASS
When the swimming pool is open (from June to the end of August), we will control your sanitary pass only once upon your arrival (only for adults). If your pass is valid, you will have access to all the campsite equipment. If your pass is not valid or missing, you will be able to access everything except the pool and the bar terrace.
- Cancellation Guarantee : Book risk-free ; our cancellation guarantee takes into account the risk of pandemic or lockdown.
- Postponement for free : you have booked and you cannot come on the scheduled date? No problem. We shift, free of charge. With us, you never lose your deposit. Have a look to the booking conditions here
- We set up a contactless check-in ("Express Checkin") : a few days before your arrival at the campsite, you will receive the instructions to settle your invoice and access your location or your rental without going through reception and therefore contactless! No waiting, everything will be ready, you will arrive "at home"... just arrived, already on vacation!
- Maximum 2 people at the reception: the receptionist and ONE customer only
- Don't forget your personnal pen
- Hydroalcoholic solution available at the reception
- Opening of the contactless campsite barrier
Autonomous RVs
- Service area (drain, water) open
- Open pitches (with water, electricity, gray water drainage ...)
- One tap for drinking water and one electrical outlet per location
Camping Pitches (for tents, caravans, RV)
- 80% of the pitches are equipped with individual drinking water taps, electrical outlets and gray water drainage
- Installation of individual camping shower authorized (with connection to the site drainage)
- Rental of individual refrigerators (we no longer take battery packs for coolers)
Toilets & Showers
- Some equipments are removed to ensure distance
- Shower, sink and WC in individual cabins
- Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult who must guide them in the proper application of barrier measures
- Reinforced cleaning and disinfection several times a day
- Virucide spray (EN 14476) available to allow you to disinfect the sink before use (or even after if you want to help us a little)
- Hydroalcoholic solution available
- Forbidden to tenants and residents of mobile homes
- Forbidden to people not customer of the campsite (beach users for example))
Private Mobilhomes
- Your personal and private accommodations are accessible
Mobilhomes and Canvas Bengalows rentals
- The accommodations will be left empty for at least 24 hours between 2 rentals, even in very high season
- Complete disinfection before each arrival using virucidal products (standard EN14476), including pillows, blankets and mattresses
- Disposable mattress covers and pillowcases provided
- No rental of sheets (you must bring your own, sorry...)
Pontoon and lake
- Pontoon open (private access) ; Not more than 4 people at the same time on the pontoon.
- No gatherings of more than 10 people
Boat and pedal boat rental
- Disinfection of boats, life jackets, oars and paddles after each use
Swimming pool
- Application of the protocol recommended by the Regional Health Agency
- The swimming pool is not covered, therefore very ventilated. This naturally avoids the stagnation of a possible virus.
- Limitation of instant attendance to 30 people (note that this usually never happens ...)
- Disinfection of contact areas (deckchairs, showers, handrails, handles) several times a day
- Hydroalcoholic solution available
Playgrounds, pétanque court
- Strictly respect distancing and barrier measures
- Wash your hands regularly
Bar, snack
- Opening in July and August as every year
- Service only on the outdoor terrace
- Privatization possible out of season for groups
- The program planned for the summer will be provided
Provisions common to all guests :
- Respect scrupulously the distance and the barrier measures
- Wear masks when physical distance cannot be respected
- Do not approach staff within 2 meters
- Wash your hands regularly
For everyone's safety, let's respect barrier gestures and distance measures
Follow government recommendations
A true and preserved nature in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of Aubrac, that's what you will find at Camping La Romiguière. The first village is 8 km far away, there is no motorway or national road nearby, let alone a railway line or airport.
Nor are there industries or intensive crops. The main economic activity here is the breeding of Aubrac cows, in small farms where most animals are left free in natural meadows.
The qualities of the air and the water are therefore excellent as attested by the results of the analyzes that the ARS (sanitary agency) does several times a year (available at the town hall or at the campsite reception) and as you will see all days by observing the wealth of wildlife and wild flora at and around the campsite.
At Camping La Romiguière, we actively participate in the preservation of this beautiful environment :
- No use of phytosanitary products
- If necessary, treatment based on nettle or lime manure ("old-fashioned white")
- Mulching (to preserve water and promote soil biodiversity)
- Planting and development of naturally occurring species in the field
- Mechanical or thermal weeding only where needed
- "Mulching" mowing of parcels
- Voluntary maintenance of brownfield areas (not mowed)
- Installation of nesting boxes
- Installation of insect hotels
- Installation of hives to promote polinization
- Installation of hens (to whom you will give your waste and who actively participate in recycling)
- Systematic replacement of conventional bulbs with LEDs
- Installation of flow reducers on faucets and showers to preserve the resource
- Selective sorting
- Information for holidaymakers on the species (animal and plant) present on the campsite
- Priority given to companies and suppliers of local products to limit travel
Here are the animals that have already been seen at Camping La Romiguière. Some live there year-round. Will you recognize them? Be curious and come watch them !
For cheap holidays in Aveyron, come to Camping La Romiguière. Rent a mobile home in Aveyron or rent a bungalow in Aveyron. Choose a camping site in Aveyron by a lake for fishing. Children love campsites with swimming pools in Aveyron.
Editeur du Site :
Le site www.laromiguiere.fr est propriété de la société Camping La Romiguière SARL, Lac de la Selve, 12210 MONTPEYROUX, sarl au capital de 8000 €uros enregistrée au registre du commerce de Rodez sous le numéro 498 114 842. L'hébergement de ce site est confié à la société OVH (http://www.ovh.com - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.). Pour contacter l'editeur, veuillez utiliser la page contact.
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Le contenu de ce site est rédigé par Monsieur Stéphane LEVEAU.
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A l'occasion des Fêtes de la Transhumance en Aubrac
Samedi 24 mai 2025, au camping à partir de 19h, profitez d'une belle soirée animée par Nathalie BERNAT et son accordéon magique
Folklore, Musette, Musiques Traditionnelles et Variétés
Ambiance festive, printanière et amicale !
Et vers 20h30, nous ferons filer l'Aligot devant vous !
Emportez votre Aligot accompagné d'une saucisse de pays mijotée dans une sauce à l'oignon et au champignons. Un régal !
Vous pourrez déguster votre aligot/saucisse dans votre mobilhome, votre campingcar, sur la terrasse du bar, sur la plage... où vous voulez !
Notez bien : ce n'est pas un repas servi à l'assiette ; uniquement à emporter...
Une fois l'Aligot servi, la musique reprendra pour chanter et danser jusqu'au bout de la nuit !
Réservez votre Aligot/Saucisse
Quantité Limitée !
(portion individuelle 11€)
Transhumance Festival in Aubrac
Sunday 25 may 2025
Come and enjoy the famous traditional spring party in Aubrac. Following tradition, transhumance always takes place on Sunday, preferably near May 25. This will be on May 25, 2025.
As every year, at Camping La Romiguière, we host you, we entertain you and we help you organize a memorable stay in the heart of Aubrac. A unique moment !
Let's go ! The adventure begins here ! ...
You will find out more by reading this article and by consulting the website of the "Tradition en Aubrac" association.
If you like CamperVan areas......we can't do anything for you !
Campsite La Romiguière is about 40 minutes (by car) far from Aubrac village. So you will be able to enjoy the quietness of the campsite, the ideal situation between the Lot's valley (Estaing, Espalion, Saint-Cosme), the Truyère's valley (Entraygues) and Aubrac (Laguiole) ; this is probably the best place to visit north-aveyron, and participate to the Transhumance festival in Aubrac.
And for a worry-free stay, on Sunday May 25, 2025, we are proposing you a coach transport to reach the village where the Transhumance festival takes place in Aubrac.
Our restaurant will be open Friday 20th and Saturday 21th. We will of course offer you local specialties (aligot !!). You will enjoy 2 evenings musical show with traditionnal french music.
Sunday 25 May 2025 : « Transhumance and Aubrac cows Festival »
La Fête de la Transhumance in practice :
The road Saint-Côme-d'Olt - Aubrac is closed to traffic Sunday, 25 may 2025, the day of the Festival of Transhumance and the rise of cattle, but road signs will help you to go to the village. We will give practical informations so that you can take full advantage of this day.
An entrance fee (8€ per person) is requested by the association "Tradition Aubrac" which organizes the festivities. If you opt for the coach from Camping La Romiguière, the entrance fee is included in the price of the coach.
Transhumance Aubrac CampingCar :
The service area for CampingCar at Aubrac is closed during the week preceding the festival of transhumance - Parking is provided for motorhome, near the village.
But if you do not like crowds of large gatherings of motorhomes, Camping La Romiguière you offers an astute fall 20 minutes far from Laguiole. All sites have lake views. They are flat and have water and electricity (10A). Service Area for drain is available.
Enjoy the Festival of Transhumance Aubrac for a few days in a quiet place at Lake of the Selve.
In addition, in 2025, we propose a private coach to Aubrac. Starting at about 9 am in the direction of Aubrac and back at about 17 pm at Campsite La Romiguière (depending on the weather !). The round trip+entrance fee costs 28 € per person.
Thus, your motorhome remains secure, secure and connected to the campsite while you enjoy the festivities. Don't forget to book.
Transhumance Aubrac mobilhome :
At Camping La Romiguière, you can also rent a mobilehome and take advantage of your stay to discover Aubrac. The mobilehomes are heated and most have a nive view on the lake Selve. Don't forget to book.
The Regional Natural Park of Aubrac :
Aubrac , situated on the borders of three departments, Aveyron, Cantal and Lozère, and three regions, Midi- Pyrenees, Auvergne and Languedoc Roussillon stretches over 2500 km ² , 800m to 1470m altitude. The village of Aubrac , which means "Braco Alto" ("high place" about 1300m high), is located in the heart of the "Plateau de l'Aubrac", the cradle of breeding cattle breed where the natural environment is amazing.
When it comes May 25th, the traditional date of the rise of herds to the plateau of Aubrac (transhumance), cows are getting impatient as if the mountain called them. Men and beasts agree a time of celebration. Cow heads are decorated with holly, flowers, flags and cowbells. The oldest cow in the herd carries a " clap ", she walks at the head and give the rhythm . The path of the herd does not exceed 70 km, with an average speed of 3 to 5 km/h. Calves of the year join their mothers by truck. Beyond its festive and convivial aspect, the phenomenon of movement of livestock is not artificial or folk , it is first and foremost related to agricultural practice and the type of farming, specifically adapted to the natural environment Aubrac.
Entertainment for all, presentation of animals, meeting with farmers, producers, traditional music and dance, lunch and dinner, the famous speciality Aligot of Aubrac, Aubrac meat cooked over a wood fire, regional products market and more...
25 May 2025 : « Transhumance and Aubrac cows Festival »
- Meet the farmers and herd
- Follow the herds to their summer pastures mountain towards Laguiole Nasbinals or Brameloup .
- Enjoy local produce : Wines, Laguiole cheese, Aligot de l'Aubrac, Aubrac beef
- Listen and watch traditional music groups
- Fill up flavors fairground market and regional products
Around Aubrac...
Enjoy your visit to the Festival of Transhumance to discover the Haut-Rouergue, the Viadène, the Carladez, the Ruthénois... Camping the Romiguière, easy access to all the sites to see: Estaing, Espalion, Entraygues, St. Comes, Laguiole.
To take full advantage of the Festival of Transhumance 2025, Camping La Romiguière offers pleasant accommodations and convenient solution. Don't forget to book a mobilehome or a location for your motorhome...
The Swimming-Pool
From mid-June to mid-September, the pool is reserved for campers. The main pool is 17 m by 8 m. You will find 1m80 deep. Access is via a gently sloping ramp.
The water is heated during the summer. Wading pool will delight little ones. On the pool deck, sunbathing are available.
Access to the pool is reserved for children accompanied by an adult who provides continuous monitoring.
We analyze the water in the pool and paddling every day to ensure you a quality bathroom. In addition, an independent laboratory conducts analyzes repeatedly surprises in summer, and the results are displayed at the reception desk.
Sanitaries for Campers
2 complete sanitary facilities are at your disposal, with showers, sinks, Washbasins, toilet. Of course, the hot water is as desired.
We open, upon request, a third sanitary reserved for disabled persons.
Equipments for disabled persons
At Camping La Romiguiere, you will have all specific equipment for disabled persons :
- Access ramp to the pool
- Footbath without stairs
- Reserved Sanitary (with shower, sink, WC...)
- Access ramp to the bar terrace and to the restaurant
All camping pitches (for tents, caravans and motorhomes) are accessible without stairs
Vacations are important, but we are never safe from an incident and we also have the right to change our minds!
To cover all eventualities, we offer you exceptional Cancellation Insurance!
- Have you changed your mind ? No longer want to come? No problem, you get your money back!
- Cancellation for simple personal convenience? No problem, you get your money back!
- The weather forecast is calling for terrible weather? No problem, you get your money back!
- A health problem? Do you have to leave before the end? No problem, you get your money back!
Peace of mind guaranteed with Neat Camping: your peace of mind for a worry-free holiday!
Opt for Neat Camping insurance and guarantee yourself a hassle-free stay. Our cancellation insurance offer (optional) ensures that your stay will be reimbursed in the event of an unforeseen event before your arrival. It also covers interruption of stay, replacement vehicle, veterinary costs, and much more.
In summary :
- Ease and speed: A simple process guaranteeing you a refund within 48 hours in the event of cancellation.
- Comprehensive coverage: Whether you are traveling with family, friends or alone, everyone is taken care of, with no restrictions on family ties.
- Simplified online declaration: Simplify your process with a user-friendly online declaration, ensuring rapid incident management.
- Cancellation flexibility: Cancel your stay with or without proof, as we understand that unforeseen events can arise at any time.
This cancellation insurance is offered to you at a single, flat rate of €29.
Here is a summary of the warranties (and you can click here to view warranty details in french)
Cancellation at any time |
100% refund with proof 70% refund without proof |
Late arrival or interruption of stay | Reimbursement pro rata temporis | |
Modification of stay | Coverage of modification fees | |
Forgotten an item in the rental | Coverage of shipping costs | |
Breakdown, accident or theft during the stay | Support for a replacement vehicle |
Click here to view warranty details
Let's be surprised ! Rediscover real Nature, just here !
Camping La Romiguière is like an island in the south of France, in the heart of Aveyron. In front of you, the lake ... and all around, only forests...
At the campsite, your children will quickly find new friends and have fun. Pool, games, beach, they love ! And the days will seem too short when arrives the evening ...
Adults will enjoy the peacefulness of the place, the beach and the amazing view to the lake. A glass of wine on the terrace, reading a good book on the beach or just do nothing. Finally...
About teenagers, if they like isolated and wild places, they will be able to explore the surroundings to discover the fauna and flora.
Camping La Romiguière, in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of Aubrac south France, is the ideal place to rediscover a rich and preserved nature.
Of course, you will want to explore and visit the surroundings: Medieval villages, wild spaces or outdoor activities? Ask us for advice and we will offer you ideas for visits or walks to help you discover what you will not find in tourist guides.
At the Campsite :
Have a great time camping with family or friends! Why look any farther ? Everything is there, on the spot!
- Boat, pedalboat or canoes rental
- Beach
- Free : Slackline
- Free : table tennis
- Free : Pétanque field and volleyball playground
- Pétanque Challenge
- Free : Evening Musical Show (once a week from mi-d-july to mid-august)
- Fishing (carp, pike, zander, perch...)
- Free : hikes and excursions roadbook
- Private swimming-pool (Free)
- Bar & Snack (en july and august)
Explore the villages around :
There are plenty of little treasures to discover! Adventure in the countryside !...
- Waterfall of the "Leaping Dog" : a grandiose site, ideal for observing Vallon and its castle
- The Truyère's valley and the dam of Sarrans, Vallon and its castle
- Aubrac : the highlands, Aubrac, Saint-Urcize...
- Bèz-Bédène
- The Bozouls Canyon
- The Bousquet's castle and the ghosts
- The magnificent ruins of the Thénières Castle
- Treasure hunting (geocaching)
and many others...
To discover :
- Sled dogs on the Monts d'Aubrac in summer !
- Via Ferrata in the Truyère valley
- Road to the imagination (Carladez)
- Hot water springs and minéral waters
- Calmont's castle and demonstrations of medieval weapons fire
Festivals :
- Transhumance Festival à Aubrac (last weekend of May) near Aubrac: When this great folk festival, the country's empty stables and cows, adorned with flowers and ribbons, go to the mountain. A day of walking outdoors on the Aubrac highlands ! This event annually attracts some 30,000 visitors.
- Medieval Festival in Estaing (mid-September): the whole village is adorned with the colors of the Middle Ages. Knights, dames and great feasts are demoiseaux the sound of viols and drums ... the opportunity to (re)visit the castle in old-fashioned costume...
Visits :
- Conques: famous village located on the road to Saint Jacques de Compostela
- Entraygues
- The Bozouls hole, the great canyon of Aveyron
- Espalion with its magnificent bridge over the river Lot but also the scuba diving museum, Castle Calmont, the lava flow of Roquelaure ...
- Estaing (whose castle belongs to the President of the Republic Valéry Giscard d'Estaing)
- Laguiole : capital of the famous knife and of the Aubrac cheese
- Rodez: historical city and shopping center of the department
- Aurillac
- Millau and the Viaduct
- The cellars of Roquefort famous creamy cheese made from sheep's raw-milk
Sports Activities :
- Canoeing on the Lot
- Tennis
- Mini-golf
- Riding
- Golf
- Walking, cycling and mountain biking
- Paintball
- Course Freestyle
Ask us and we'll tell you where to spend an afternoon away from the crowd...
Look at Camping La Romiguière live ! You can see what the weather is here or how high is the water level ! The water level can change a lot during spring and automn. It is allways high during the summer and usually quite low during the winter.
Here's an official site about the water level on the lake
General questions about Campsite La Romiguière in Aveyron
Can we park 2 cars on our pitch ?
We are coming with friends of us and we have 2 cars. Can we easily park next to the mobilehome ?
Only one vehicle is allowed on a pitch. You can of course come in with your second car to unpack your stuff but you have to park outside.
What types of accommodation are available at Camping La Romiguière ?
I would like to rent something for my holidays in Aveyron; what can you offer me ?
We have Mobilhomes (hard) or Bengali Tents. I invite you to consult this page for all the informations
Is there a swimming pool at Camping La Romiguière ?
My children absolutely want to bath during the holidays; Is there a pool?
Yes, there is a heated outdoor swimming pool. There is also a swimming area on the lake just in front of the campsite
Where are the nearest shops?
Aveyron is a very huge territory and the campsite is very isolated, so where do I go to go shopping?
On the campsite, you will find a service of food with breads, pastries (High season) as well as the products of first necessity.A 10 min by car, in Saint-Amans-des-Cots, you will find a SPAR, a bakery , a butcher as well as various businesses.There are also supermarkets in Laguiole or Espalion
To do, to see around Camping La Romiguière
Are there any historic sites close to Camping La Romiguière ?
We like to visit historic sites. Are there any around La Romiguière campsite ?
Yes, there are many historic places in Aveyron. For example, the Castle of Vallon, the medieval villages like Estaing or Saint-Comes d'Olt, Castle of Thénières, Castle of Calmont d'Olt... and many more...
What are the popular attractions near Camping La Romiguière ?
Are there any attractions to keep my children busy during the holidays ?
In Aveyron, all the surrounding villages offer many attractions all year round: tourist, sports, fun activities ... you will have the choice. We have many leaflets at the reception of the campsite and we will be able to advise you according to your interests.
Is Camping La Romiguière close to the city center ?
I like to go shopping ; is the city center close to the campsite ?
Aveyron is very wide, Camping la Romiguière is very isolated and the first village is 10 minutes far by car. We come here for nature and calm, not for shopping...
Which restaurants are close to Camping La Romiguière ?
Are there restaurants near the campsite where you can eat local specialties ?
Yes, Aveyron is well known for gastronomy. You will find very good restaurants at Nayrac, Montpeyroux, Soulage ... We have at your disposal a list of our recommendations. Ask us and we will tell you where to go !
Find here all the questions that you asked us, and our answers of course !
And if you don't find what you're looking for, just contact us !
Can we arrive another day than Saturday?
I would like to avoid traffic jams and I would like to book from Sunday to Sunday, is it possible?
Yes, we can come and go every day of the week, even in high season.You can book the number of days that suits you from 2 or 3 nights (depending on the period). Please refer to "short stay" packages.
Can we arrive in the morning?
I ride at night to avoid traffic jams and heat, can I arrive in the morning?
Your rental or your location must be vacated by previous guests so that you can dispose of it, and we need some time to make any necessary repairs. In the morning, we take care of departures, and the afternoon, arrivals! It is therefore useless to arrive before 13:30.
What should I do if I think I will arrive after the reception closes?
I'm likely to arrive very late, and certainly after the reception closes, how can we do?
Contact us by telephone to give us your approximate time of arrival. We will indicate you the procedure to follow to allow you to reach your location or your renting. However, in order to keep the campsite quiet, no installation of caravan, tent or motorhome is not possible after 21h
Can we arrive another day than Saturday?
I would like to avoid traffic jams and I would like to book from Sunday to Sunday, is it possible?
Yes, we can come and go every day of the week, even in high season.You can book the number of days that suits you from 2 or 3 nights (depending on the period). Please refer to "short stay" packages.
Camping La Romiguière is located directly on the shores of Lac de la Selve (also called Lac de Maury). You will enjoy direct access to the lake, with no roads or fences to cross.
When making your reservation, you can of course tell us the number of your preferred location ... we will do our best to satisfy you.
Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what you will see at the campsite.
Camping La Romiguiere in Aveyron, in the Natural Park of Aubrac.
Camping 3 stars ★★★ with pool in Aveyron by lake Maury.
camping in south France - accomodation in South France - Campervan area in aubrac - camping by a lake
Really, it's an authentic campsite in Aveyron !
Here, at Camping La Romiguière, you will live a simple and true moment in South France. We know each other, we recognize each other. It's important for us to call you by your name rather than your location number. And that changes everything !
Here, nature is also authentic. And we act every day to preserve it. It's Aubrac, simply.
To enjoy this exceptional setting here are all the equipment and services we offer you.
The Camping :
- 3 stars campsite ★★★
- English Spoken (with french accent... sorry !)
- Opening dates in 2025 : from 8th may to 13th september
- The campsite is about 3ha wide, on the east shore of the Lake of the Selve
- 62 grassy and delimited pitches
- Allmost every pitches have a nice view on the lake (other pitches are by a river)
- Pitches all equipped with electricity (Free) and drinkable water
- WIFI (Free) allmost throughout the campsite
- Pets not accepted
- The campsite map is availlable here
- Private swimming-pool only for campers and bath in the lake during the summer
- Special equipments for disable persons
At your Service :
- Reception open from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 19:00 (in high season, reception at the bar after 7pm)
- At the reception or at the bar, you will find a wealth of informations about the region and its surroundings, and the sale of items such as camping gas, postcards, stamps, etc. .. .
- Free WIFI (allmost throughout the campsite)
- Laundry and ironing facilities
- Service area for campervan, RV and motorhomes
- 3.7kW Charging socket for electric cars
- We accept paiement by cash and credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Maestro)
- Gaz refill
The Bar and the Snack :
- The bar is open daily (only in July and August)
- Our terrace welcomes you for a drink, internet surfing or just to enjoy the nice view to the lake
- During the musical evening shows (one a week in high season), we offer traditional dishes from Aveyron. Other days, you will find snack formulas (pizzas, toasted sandwiches, chips, ...) to take away ...
- In July and August, you can order bread and pastries
Activities, sports, leisure :
- Free : Heated swimming-pool open from mid-June to September
- Free : Hiking roadbook
- Free : Jeu de Boules, Volleyball and Basketball
- Paddle, pedal-boat, canoës and fishing boats rentals
- Free : Beach, Playgrounds for children
- Lake fishing (pike, perch, carp, trout ..)
- Speed zone to practice Jetski and water-skiing
- Pontoon for mooring your boat or your jetski
Rentals :
- Mobilhomes 4 persons
- Mobilhomes Family (for up to 5 persons)
- Canvas Bungalow for up to 5 persons, by the lake
- Pitches with water and electricity
- Campervan, RV, motorhome park area
Sanitary Facilities :
- 2 sanitaries with unlimited hot water
- Sanitary equipment specially adapted for use by disabled
- Baby bathroom
Reservation is mandatory for rentals and recommended for pitches. We recommend that you contact us or simulate a reservation to find out about availability.
We do not take reservations by phone or email. Your reservation can only be taken into consideration after receipt of the reservation form or of your internet reservation, as well as the payment of a deposit of at least 30%. Upon receipt of your reservation and your deposit, a confirmation will be sent to you by email. The amount of the stay will be calculated according to the dates mentioned during the reservation. A request for payment of the balance will be automatically sent to you 14 days before your arrival. The payment of a deposit is a commitment on the part of the customer to pay for the entire stay. In return, the campsite undertakes to guarantee the availability of the rental or pitch for the entire stay.
The balance must be paid in full 30 days before your arrival. If you book less than 30 days before your arrival or a reservation for less than €90, the stay must be paid in full upon booking.
For any rental, you must leave a deposit of € 200.00 per mobile-home or bungalow at the reception upon arrival; this deposit will be returned to you on departure when checking the rental and after deduction of any cleaning costs, the value of the missing or damaged equipment (according to the scale available at reception) or the repair costs. The tenant will be required to report any anomaly upon arrival.
For camping pitches, we will ask you for a deposit of 20 € to obtain a contactless key allowing the barrier to be opened. This deposit will be returned to you upon departure after return of the key.
The pitches and rents reserved are available on the day of your arrival after 16 hours and must be vacated no later than 10 hours on the day of your departure. The day before departure, you must make an appointment at the reception for the inventory of your lease.
No reduction will be granted for an early departure or for a late arrival. We recommend that you subscribe to the Cancelation Insurance.
Cancellation of your reservation must be made by letter or email. Management fees of €20.00 will be retained. If your cancellation is submitted at least 60 days before your arrival, we will refund your deposit minus management fees. If your cancellation is received more than 30 days before your arrival, we will refund 50% of your deposit minus management fees. For cancellations within 30 days of your arrival, your deposit will be retained by the campsite without dispute.
In case of cancellation for reasons falling at the campsite, the customer will be refunded all money paid.
If applicable, the refund of all or part of the deposit will be made from September 15.
In the event of cancellation of a stay for which the deposit has been paid in whole or in part by means of a credit note, the amount of the refund will be reduced by the amount of the credit note.
We recommend that you subscribe to the Cancelation Insurance.
Changing a stay (change of date, change of rental type, etc.) is considered a cancellation followed by a new reservation. Cancellation conditions therefore apply.
We recommend that you subscribe to the Cancelation Insurance.
We advise you to subscribe to the cancellation insurance for a unique price of 29€ per stay. All the details are here.
Bad weather or personal convenience does not in any way justify the full or partial refund of your stay. The free services cannot give rise to any reimbursement or reduction in the event of temporary or definitive unavailability.
We recommend that you subscribe to the Cancelation Insurance which also covers cancellations for personal convenience without proof.
On these occasions, it is possible that for the same stay, customers have paid different prices. Customers who have paid the highest price will not be able to benefit from a refund representing the price difference between the price they have paid and the promotional price. The discounts are not cumulative with promotions.
For technical and insurance reasons, the number of people per pitch or rental is limited. Young children and babies are people in their own right and obviously count in the number of people. The campsite reserves the right to refuse access to the rental or the pitch if the number of people present exceeds the planned capacity. If necessary, and subject to the agreement of the campsite management, any person beyond the planned capacity will be charged 30€/night.
Maximum capacity (baby included) | |
Camping pitch | 6 |
Mobilhome Selve | 4 |
Mobilhome Crozillac | 4 |
Mobilhome Famille | 5 |
Canvas bungalow | 5 |
Since May 21th 2023, animals (dogs and cats) are no longer allowed on the campsite. In the event that a client nevertheless comes with an animal, we will charge an additional €20/animal/day.
The pitches and rentals are equipped with individual circuit breakers limited to 10A. It is forbidden to modify the technical characteristics of the installation or to use more than one socket per location. In addition, recharging the battery of an electric or hybrid vehicle is prohibited.
Any camper will consult the rules of the campsite displayed to the left of the barrier and have to comply with its provisions.
In the event of a dispute, the customer and the campsite will endeavor to find an amicable solution.
In the absence of an amicable agreement, the customer has the possibility to refer free of charge to the consumer mediator to which the professional belongs, namely the Association of European Mediators (AME CONSO), within one year of the written complaint. addressed to the campsite.
Referral to the consumer mediator must be made:
- or by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website: www.mediationconso-ame.com
- or by letter addressed to AME CONSO, 11 Place Dauphine - 75001 PARIS
The customer can also contact the European platform for online dispute resolution (RLL): https://www.laromiguiere.fr/rll
Our friends, space-time or extraterrestrial explorers, traveling in a flying saucer, Tardis, DeLorean, Enterprise or any related device are welcome. However, your sudden arrival at the campsite could cause some confusion among the population, and the authorities, out of ignorance, would not fail to cordon off the area on the grounds of the precautionary principle. Your vacation on earth would be greatly disrupted. In order to prepare your arrival in the best conditions, contact us discreetly beforehand by any means of communication technically usable on planet Earth in the 21st century (Earth calendar), taking into account of course the stretching of time linked to Restricted Relativity.
Well done if you've read this far. These terms are a bit annoying, but it is mandatory. Sorry. And the previous paragraph was there to reward you and, we hope, make you smile. Because, unfortunately, we won't see a flying saucer at the campsite for a long time... although... ?
Campsite La Romiguière is located in the Aveyron (south France). A secret place to discover, surrounded by nature, isolated and far from the crowds.
We are about 20 minutes far from Laguiole and the mountains of Aubrac. Campsite La Romiguiere is also accessible by motorhome or large trailer.
On your GPS, find Montpeyroux (12210), then the place called "La Roumiguière" (with a "u" after the "o"). Beware, there are 3 other Montpeyroux in France ... choose the one which is in Aveyron (12) !
If you are using Waze or GoogleMaps : click here !
If you are using an iPhone : click here !
GPS coordinates : N44°39'20"/E2°42'15" (N44.65572 / E2.70423)
If you are using a paper map and road signs:
Coming from north :
Follow A75 motorway, exit at Saint-Flour, climbing high over the city and follow signs Espalion / Rodez. Skip Entraygues. A Laguiole hanging the D541 towards Soulages-Bonneval, then Touluch. After Touluch, continue towards Saint-Amans-des-Cots, then turn left (a sign indicates La Romiguiere). Follow the lake until you arrive.
Coming from south :
Go to Espalion, then take the D920 towards Estaing. In the center of Estaing, turn right towards Saint-Amans-des-Cots (D97). Drive through the Nayrac. Follow signs "Barrage de la Selve" (a Dam). 2 km away, a sign says "La Romiguiere" on the right. Follow the road through La Capelle, and continue along the lake until you arrive..
Coming from west :
Join Entraygues-sur-Truyère. Drive north via D34, follow direction Banhars, then Saint-Amans-des-Cots (about 15 km). In the center of the village of Saint-Amans, turn right through the south. Drive about 1 km, cross "Colombez", then turn left. Follow the lake via D599 jusqu'au Camping (environ 6 km).
Don't be afraid... the road turns a lot and it's quite tiny but it's big enough for a motorhome or a big caravan ! Take your time ! You're on holidays, aren't you ?
At the campsite, you will find us at the office or at the bar. Feel free to call us on +33 5 65 44 44 64 and we will help you.